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Montana DMV Practice Test


Embark on your journey by taking our Montana DMV Practice Test to score well in the Permit Test.

Montana DMV Practice Test is uncomplicated when compared to the actual test. Montana DMV Practice Test includes topics related to driving aspects. Our Practice Test includes all the topics related to road signs, pavement markings, and traffic signals and others that you need to know before getting into driver’s seat. You can re-take our Montana Permit Practice Test as many times you can, before appearing for the Montana DMV Permit Test. Rather than spending several dollars on driver’s training program, it’s better to take practice tests. The questions in the Montana Permit Practice Test are close to the questions of the permit test. Our questions in practice test are similar to the questions in Driver’s Handbook. Taking our practice test is the ideal way to achieve success in the Montana DMV Permit Test.

Description of Montana DMV Practice Test

The Montana DMV Practice Test is classified into two categories. Namely,

  1. DMV Car Test
  2. DMV Motorcycle Test

In the DMV Car Test, there are twenty free of cost car test cases. Each car test case consists of 45 questions. Montana DMV Practice Test includes multiple choice questions related to road signs, rules of the road, traffic laws, parallel parking and others. The passing score for the practice test is 80%. Taking practice tests help you boost your confidence to score well in the actual test. To know information about specific topics, such as, Warning Signs, Junction Signs, Road Closed Signs, Divided Highway Signs and so on, you must purchase the premium. The Premium users will have the ability to access the In-Depth Study Materials, 1600+ Exam-Like Questions, Exclusive Dashboard Access, Handy Topic-Wise Flashcards & Enjoy Ad-Free Studying. Ad-Free Studying leads you to study in a disturbance free atmosphere.

The DMV Motorcycle Test includes 10 easily available motorcycle test cases, in which each motorcycle test case consists of 45 questions. To unlock quizzes on specific subjects, you must purchase our premium plan. Our premium plan has a set of questions which will guide you in detailed way to prepare for the Montana DMV Permit Test. Montana DMV Practice Test has a set of multiple-choice questions which are situational, and fact based. In case you score less, you need not worry about it, as you can re-attempt the practice test until you score well. The benefit of unlocking the premium package is, you can access the Exclusive Dashboard Access, Handy Topic-Wise Flashcards, 1600+ Exam-Like Questions, In-Depth Study Materials and Ad-Free Studying. Specific topics on Motorist Service Signs, Horizontal Alignment Signs, Junction Signs, Crossing Signs and others will help you with in-depth information and knowledge to score well in Montana DMV Permit Test. The main purpose of the Montana Permit Practice Test is to show you an array to realistic questions to perform well in the Montana DMV Permit Test.

Preparation for the Montana DMV Practice Test

Get started with your preparation for the Montana DMV Practice Test by studying Driver’s Manual. This extensive guide includes all the topics on rules of the road, traffic laws and on safe driving aspects. The best way to pass your Montana DMV Permit Test is to complete and score well in the Montana DMV Practice Test. Our questions are equivalent to the style that you may find in the permit test and are guided by the Montana Driver’s Manual. Driver’s Manual is updated regularly, making it the reliable source of study material. If you need more information, then you can always refer to the Driver’s Manual for the best results.

Benefits of the Montana DMV Practice Test

  1. Taking practice test helps in identifying the topics which you are unaware of.
  2. You can re-take the practice test several times so that you will feel confident and get used to in taking the actual test.
  3. Montana DMV Practice Test enables in-depth preparation for the Montana DMV Permit Test.
  4. Attempting practice tests leads to understanding of the pattern and familiarity with the Montana DMV Permit Test.
  5. Practice test websites are authentic and gives you immediate test results.
  6. Practice tests are mirror image of official DMV Permit Test.

Rules and Regulations of the Montana DMV Permit Test

In Montana State, to obtain driver’s license, you must clear the DMV Permit Test. The eligibility for writing the Montana DMV Permit Test is 14 years and 6 months. The official DMV Permit Test consists of 33 questions and the passing score for the Permit Test is 90%.

  1. Speed Limits – It is mandatory to follow the speed limit signs. The speed limit on Montana interstate highways is 80 mph for cars and light trucks and 65 mph for heavy trucks. Sometimes you must drive slower than the posted speed limit and always slow down at curves.
  2. School Zones – STOP for children in crosswalks. STOP for school crossing guards. Slow down your speed near any school. Local areas are set to their own school zone limits. Obey all speed limits which are posted.
  3. Drugs and Alcohol – Taking drugs or drinking alcohol while driving affects the lives of the people. No one under the age of 21 can drink alcohol. You can be arrested for driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or more, or while driving under the influence (DUI). The DUI law for drivers under the age of 21 is a BAC of 0.02%. The penalties for drinking and driving are severe. No open alcoholic containers are allowed in the vehicles. No person can buy alcohol under the age of 21. BAC is the percentage of alcohol in blood. If you refuse taking breathalyzer test, then your driver license will be suspended for 6 months.

Tips for the Montana DMV Practice Test

  1. Be calm and composed during the test.
  2. Read each question carefully, before attempting them.
  3. Stay updated on rules and regulations of the state.
  4. Do your best, with the right mindset of preparation.
  5. Do not worry about the results.


To obtain the license you must successfully pass the DMV Permit Test. We extend our best wishes for a successful test and safe travels.