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Motorcycle Test 1

Motorcycle Test 1

1.Of the crashes involving both a motorcycle and a car, how many are caused by the driver failing to properly yield the right-of-way to the rider?

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Motorcycle Test 1

2.When passing a row of parked cars, a motorcycle operator should be prepared for:

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Motorcycle Test 1

3.Which of the following is not an example of a slippery surface?

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Motorcycle Test 1

4.When operating a motorcycle on a slippery surface, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

5.It is difficult for other motorists to see motorcycles at night. To make up for that, a motorcycle rider should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

6.Once a motorcycle helmet has been involved in a crash, it should be:

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Motorcycle Test 1

7.The front brake supplies how much of a motorcycle's potential stopping power?

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Motorcycle Test 1

8.When riding at night, you should travel:

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Motorcycle Test 1

9.A motorcycle operator can improve their visibility by:

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Motorcycle Test 1

10.A helmet should not:

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Motorcycle Test 1

11.Riding directly alongside another vehicle is discouraged because:

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Motorcycle Test 1

12.When riding in a group while passing another vehicle, it is best to:

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Motorcycle Test 1

13.Which of the following provides a rider with the best protection?

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Motorcycle Test 1

14.The best way to stop quickly is to:

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Motorcycle Test 1

15.When making an ordinary stop, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

16.If you are riding when it starts to rain, it is a good idea to:

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Motorcycle Test 1

17.Pairing up while riding in a group is:

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Motorcycle Test 1

18.A face shield:

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Motorcycle Test 1

19.Which of the following surfaces does not provide poor traction?

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Motorcycle Test 1

20.Which of the following is true?

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Motorcycle Test 1

21.Engine braking:

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Motorcycle Test 1

22.The proper footwear for riding a motorcycle:

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Motorcycle Test 1

23.When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

24.Which of the following is not considered protective clothing for a motorcyclist?

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Motorcycle Test 1

25.The gear shift lever is located:

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Motorcycle Test 1

26.Which of the following will help you ride safely on slippery surfaces?

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Motorcycle Test 1

27.A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

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Motorcycle Test 1

28.When stopping behind a vehicle, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

29.Which of the following is not a benefit of riding in a close group?

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Motorcycle Test 1

30.If the front wheel locks, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

31.If you lock the rear tire on a good traction surface, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

32.Which type of sign is yellow with black lettering or symbols?

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Motorcycle Test 1

33.A way to lower the risk of being involved in a crash is to:

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Motorcycle Test 1

34.When riding in rain or fog, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

35.The best source of information for your motorcycle is:

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Motorcycle Test 1

36.To lessen your chances of being involved in a crash, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

37.A DOT-approved helmet:

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Motorcycle Test 1

38.A danger of riding next to a row of parked cars is:

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Motorcycle Test 1

39.When riding a motorcycle, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

40.If in a no passing zone:

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Motorcycle Test 1

41.Who must wear a helmet while riding in Colorado?

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Motorcycle Test 1

42.When carrying a passenger on a motorcycle, you must:

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Motorcycle Test 1

43.When someone follows you too closely, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

44.If you can’t avoid a dangerously slippery surface, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 1

45.During the day, your headlight should:

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