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Car Test 3

1.When passing another car, you have enough space to return to the driving lane:

Correct! Wrong!

01 /45

Car Test 3

2.A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means:

Correct! Wrong!

02 /45

Car Test 3

3.Roads with double solid yellow line markings down the center indicate that passing is:

Correct! Wrong!

03 /45

Car Test 3

4.This bicyclist is signalling:

Correct! Wrong!

04 /45

Car Test 3

5.You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

05 /45

Car Test 3

6.To improve visibility lowered by rain or fog, drivers should use their:

Correct! Wrong!

06 /45

Car Test 3

7.Which of the following factors affect an individual's absorption of alcohol?

Correct! Wrong!

07 /45

Car Test 3

8.When driving on packed snow, you should reduce your speed by:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

9.A solid yellow arrow on a traffic signal means:

Correct! Wrong!

09 /45

Car Test 3

10.This sign indicates that the road ahead:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

11.On a freeway, you should look farther ahead than you would on a city street:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

12.Excessive speed:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

13.Give the right-of-way to any pedestrian who is:

Correct! Wrong!

013 /45

Car Test 3

14.As you enter into a roundabout, you should slow down and:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

15.If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive more slowly and turn on your:

Correct! Wrong!

015 /45

Car Test 3

16.In a vehicle equipped with airbags, the safest place for children age 12 and under to ride is in:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

17.You are approaching an intersection at the posted speed limit when the signal turns yellow. You should:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

18.At a school crossing sign, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

018 /45

Car Test 3

19.You should not use your horn:

Correct! Wrong!

019 /45

Car Test 3

20.This red and white sign means you should:

Correct! Wrong!

020 /45

Car Test 3

21.This sign means:

Correct! Wrong!

021 /45

Car Test 3

22.It is very foggy. You should slow down and:

Correct! Wrong!

022 /45

Car Test 3

23.The following statements regarding the use of seat belts are true, except:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

24.This road sign means:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

25.At a red traffic light with a green arrow, you may proceed in the direction of the arrow if:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

26.When you want to change lanes, you should never:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

27.When you drive through a construction zone, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

28.Any amount of alcohol in the blood may affect a driver's:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

29.A steady green traffic light at an intersection means:

Correct! Wrong!

029 /45

Car Test 3

30.The conviction of a 16- or 17-year-old driver violating the electronic device law may result in:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

31.A broken yellow line beside a solid yellow line indicates that:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

32.Before returning to your original lane after passing another vehicle, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

032 /45

Car Test 3

33.You should always travel:

Correct! Wrong!

033 /45

Car Test 3

34.What is a crosswalk?

Correct! Wrong!

034 /45

Car Test 3

35.A distraction when driving is:

Correct! Wrong!

035 /45

Car Test 3

36.Which of these statements is true about drugs and driving?

Correct! Wrong!

036 /45

Car Test 3

37.This road sign means:

Correct! Wrong!

037 /45

Car Test 3

38.Water on the road can cause a vehicle to hydroplane. Your car may hydroplane at speeds as low as:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

39.A broken yellow line between two lanes of traffic means:

Correct! Wrong!

039 /45

Car Test 3

40.When entering the interstate on a short entrance ramp where there is no acceleration lane, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

040 /45

Car Test 3

41.When driving in fog, it is best to drive with:

Correct! Wrong!

041 /45

Car Test 3

42.When turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 3

43.You should yield to a pedestrian:

Correct! Wrong!

043 /45

Car Test 3

44.A broken yellow centerline indicates that:

Correct! Wrong!

044 /45

Car Test 3

45.This yellow sign means:

Correct! Wrong!

045 /45

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0 Incorrect

  • Passing Score 80%

Free CT Permit Test

Connecticut DMV permit test consists of a written test, vision test and a knowledge test and the age limit to apply is 16 years. The written test consists of the concepts of road signs, driving rules and some questions related to safety rules. The knowledge test consists of 25 questions, and 20 of them need to answer correctly, and the applicant has to attend a vision test which includes identification of the traffic light colors and some road rules. After passing the DMV practice test, there is a final test that scheduled later, which is a road test. The final score that need to achieve is 80%