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Motorcycle Test 2

Motorcycle Test 2

1.In the center of a traffic lane, there is usually an oily strip. Motorcyclists should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

2.When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

3.When taking a curve while riding in a group, you should be in:

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Motorcycle Test 2

4.Noise created by wind:

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Motorcycle Test 2

5.Wearing which of the following colors will make you less visible to other motorists?

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Motorcycle Test 2

6.When making a U-turn:

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Motorcycle Test 2

7.If possible, do not ride directly next to another vehicle because:

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Motorcycle Test 2

8.A motorcyclist should attempt to avoid obstacles on the roadway. If avoiding an obstacle is not possible, the motorcyclist should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

9.When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

10.If you have only one drink before riding:

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Motorcycle Test 2

11.Which of the following is an example of a potentially slippery surface?

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Motorcycle Test 2

12.When a motorcyclist needs to stop quickly, they should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

13.When riding behind another vehicle, you should position yourself:

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Motorcycle Test 2

14.Your lane position should do all of the following, except:

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Motorcycle Test 2

15.When the lights on this sign are flashing, what should you do?

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Motorcycle Test 2

16.Lanes of traffic moving in the same direction are separated by:

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Motorcycle Test 2

17.What does this sign mean?

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Motorcycle Test 2

18.When entering a curve, you should position your motorcycle:

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Motorcycle Test 2

19.Who is required to wear a helmet on a moving motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 2

20.When positioning your body on the motorcycle:

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Motorcycle Test 2

21.To help others see your motorcycle, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

22.When changing lanes, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

23.The best way to avoid fatigue when riding your motorcycle on a long trip is to:

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Motorcycle Test 2

24.Use your mirrors when stopping at an intersection:

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Motorcycle Test 2

25.If you need to react to a hazard in the road, do not:

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Motorcycle Test 2

26.If you are being passed, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

27.The front brake:

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Motorcycle Test 2

28.When riding with a group of motorcyclists, a staggered formation:

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Motorcycle Test 2

29.A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

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Motorcycle Test 2

30.How should you brake?

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Motorcycle Test 2

31.What does this sign mean?

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Motorcycle Test 2

32.The best way to stop quickly is to:

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Motorcycle Test 2

33.After riding over an object on the road, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

34.Which of the following is not a benefit of maintaining a cushion of space between your motorcycle and other vehicles?

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Motorcycle Test 2

35.When riding in the rain, you should:

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Motorcycle Test 2

36.A benefit of keeping a cushion of space between you and surrounding vehicles is that:

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Motorcycle Test 2

37.Using all three lane positions is:

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Motorcycle Test 2

38.When wearing a helmet at the time of a crash, a rider is:

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Motorcycle Test 2

39.How can you tell if your motorcycle fits you?

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Motorcycle Test 2

40.Which of the following statements is true?

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Motorcycle Test 2

41.When riding a motorcycle, your feet should be:

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Motorcycle Test 2

42.When being passed, moving to the part of your lane that is farthest from the passing vehicle:

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Motorcycle Test 2

43.A solid white line on the side of the road indicates:

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Motorcycle Test 2

44.When choosing a helmet, you should ensure that it:

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Motorcycle Test 2

45.The oily strip down the center of a lane:

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