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Car Test 16

1.Slowing down just to look at collisions or anything else out-of-the-ordinary:

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0 /45

Car Test 16

2.A red flashing traffic light has the same meaning as a:

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Car Test 16

3.You are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic. You should:

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Car Test 16

4.A motorist making a left turn at an intersection must yield the right-of-way to a bicyclist entering the intersection from the opposite direction.

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 16

5.If another driver cuts you off in traffic, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Car Test 16

6.When turning left, drivers must yield the right-of-way to:

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Car Test 16

7.There are oncoming vehicles to your left and a row of parked vehicles to your right. You should steer:

Correct! Wrong!

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Car Test 16

8.In rainy weather, you should be most careful when turning or stopping:

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0 /45

Car Test 16

9.Alcohol is the single greatest common factor in fatal motor vehicle crashes.

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Car Test 16

10.There are oncoming vehicles to your left and a row of parked vehicles to your right. You should steer:

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Car Test 16

11.When changing lanes, you can check your blind spot by:

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Car Test 16

12.Pentagonal signs indicate:

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Car Test 16

13.If you want to get off the freeway but you have missed your exit, you should:

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Car Test 16

14.A flashing red light on a traffic signal means:

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Car Test 16

15.This sign means:

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Car Test 16

16.You are driving on a divided multilane highway and see or hear the signal of an approaching emergency vehicle. You should:

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Car Test 16

17.The center of the roadway is marked with one solid yellow line and one broken yellow line. If the broken yellow line is directly next to your traffic lane, it means:

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Car Test 16

18.You are waiting to turn left at a multilane intersection and opposing traffic is blocking your view. You should:

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Car Test 16

19.You may pass another vehicle:

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Car Test 16

20.Large vehicles have blind spots that can extend up to 200 feet directly behind the vehicle.

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Car Test 16

21.Consuming which of the following substances may impair your ability to drive safely and may result in an arrest for driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII)?

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Car Test 16

22.A person who drives much slower than the speed limit:

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Car Test 16

23.Because driving involves some risk, it is wise to continually improve your driving and observation skills.

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Car Test 16

24.Which of the following is a dangerous habit when driving in work zones?

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Car Test 16

25.Double solid yellow line markings down the center of a road indicate that passing is:

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Car Test 16

26.This road sign means:

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Car Test 16

27.Railroad crossings should always be considered:

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Car Test 16

28.Two solid white lines painted across a traffic lane show the boundaries of a crosswalk. As a driver, you should know that:

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Car Test 16

29.Give the right-of-way to any pedestrian who is:

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Car Test 16

30.How fast you drive does not affect the distance your vehicle travels after you brake to come to a stop.

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Car Test 16

31.The most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of being injured or killed in a traffic crash is to:

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Car Test 16

32.Stopping distances and severity of crashes:

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Car Test 16

33.When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:

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Car Test 16

34.The most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of being injured or killed in a traffic crash is to:

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Car Test 16

35.To be safe when crossing a railroad, you should:

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Car Test 16

36.To know where traffic is behind you:

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Car Test 16

37.Passing is prohibited:

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Car Test 16

38.You should honk your horn when you:

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Car Test 16

39.When you hear the siren or see the flashing lights of an approaching emergency vehicle, you must:

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Car Test 16

40.When passing on a multilane highway:

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Car Test 16

41.If you come to an intersection and your view to the side is blocked, you should:

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Car Test 16

42.If you are feeling fatigued while driving, you should:

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Car Test 16

43.If you are following a school bus or tank truck, you should:

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Car Test 16

44.Alcohol in any concentration is:

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Car Test 16

45.You are waiting to turn left at a multilane intersection and opposing traffic is blocking your view. You should:

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  • Passing Score 80%